Welcome to the BAM PhDs Searcher
Find the most challenging Doctorate programs related to architecture around the world


Browse by research area
We have gathered detailed information about the most exciting PhD programs from the relevant Universities around the world.

To continue, please select the Research Topic that suits your interest in the fields related to architecture.
Browse by geographical area
Please, select the location where you would like to study your PhD program and we will show you the different options you have
Europe & UK (17) North America (23) Latin America (2) Asia (1) Oceania (2) Africa (0)

Submit a Ph.D. program

BAM Platform is a collaborative platform for architects and architecture students worldwide. We encourage Schools and Institutions to send us detailed information about their Ph.D. or doctorate programs related to architecture in order to improve its visibility through our international network of architects around the world. 


Each Ph.D. submitted will be published in our website and social media channels once the received data is confirmed by our team.

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