The College of Environmental Design (CED) is UC Berkeley’s home for environmental design theory, research, innovation, and practice. CED stands among the nation’s top environmental design and planning schools. It is one of the world’s most distinguished laboratories for experimentation, research, and intellectual synergy. CED offers undergraduate degrees in architecture, urban studies, landscape architecture, and sustainable environmental design. All departments offer undergraduate minor programs open to students majoring in other fields.
The mission of CED is to educate diverse students to critically analyze the built environment, preparing them to craft buildings, cities, and landscapes that are ecologically sustainable and resilient; prosperous and fair; healthy and beautiful.
The College trains students in rigorous research and analytic methods, as well as the art of designing memorable, well-loved places that both nurture the senses and challenge the imagination. CED helps students acquire technical expertise and develop transcendent ways of seeing and re-figuring the built environment.