Finalists of the EU Mies award 2022 have been announced


The 7 finalists for the 2022 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture (Mies van der Rohe Award) have been announced by The European Commission and the Mies van der Rohe Foundation.

The EU Mies Award is awarded biannually to completed projects from the last 2,5 years. This award is one of the most prestigious prizes for an architecture firm in Europe and the world.

The jury, composed of Tatiana Bilbao, Francesca Ferguson, Mia Hägg, Triin Ojari, Georg Pendl, Spiros Pengas, and Marcel Smets, selected 5 projects for the main category (Architecture) and 2 finalists for the Emerging Architecture Category. Regarding the selected projects, the jury proclaimed that they offer «models and references for local city policies».

Architecture category

Town House Kingston University in London, UK / Grafton Architects

©Dennis Gilbert

85 Social Housing Units in Cornellà d Llobregat, Spain / Peris + Toral Arquitectes

©José Hevia

Frizz23 in Berlin, Germany /  Deadline (Britta Jürgens + Matthew Griffin)

©Jan Bitter

The Railway Farm in Paris, France / Grand Huit and Melanie Drevet Paysagiste

©Myr Muratet

Z33 House for Contemporary Art, Design and Architecture in Hasselt, Belgium / Francesca Torzo

©Gion B. von Albertini

Emerging Architecture Category

Enrico Fermi School in Turin, Italy /  BDR bureau

©Simone Bossi

La Borda Cooperative Housing in Barcelona, Spain / Lacol Arquitectura Cooperativa

©Institut Municipal de l'Habitatge i Rehabilitació de Barcelona

Click here to check the official announcement by the Mies van der Rohe Foundation. All the images of this article were extracted from the official website of the EU Mies awards

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