Masters Searcher

Here you can find most complete list of Master and Postgraduate programmes related to architecture and the built environment.
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Aalto University
School of Arts, Design and Architecture
City: Espoo
Architectural Association
The AA School of Architecture
Director: Jose Alfredo Ramirez / Eduardo Rico
City: London
United Kingdom
Architectural Association
AA School of Architecture
Director: Jose Alfredo Ramirez / Eduardo Rico
City: London
United Kingdom
Cardiff University
Welsh School of Architecture
Director: Federico Wulff
City: Cardiff
United Kingdom
Centre for Alternative Technology
Graduate School of the Environment
Director: John Carter
City: Machynlleth
United Kingdom
Delft University of Technology (TUDelft)
Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
Director: S. Nijhuis
City: Delft, South Holland
Delft University of Technology (TUDelft)
TU Delft Real Estate & Housing / Erasmus University Rotterdam / Development Company
Director: Frank van Oort / Ellen van Bueren
City: Delft, South Holland
Delft University of Technology (TUDelft)
Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
Director: Salomon Frausto
City: Delft, South Holland
BAM Ranking 2023
+ Details
Espacio BIM + Universidad de Nebrija
Espacio BIM
Director: Borja Sánchez Ortega
City: Pamplona
Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Academy of Architecture and Urbanism
Director: Ingrid Westendorp - Van Oeteren
City: Tilburg

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